Monday, April 23, 2007

Finally, Vista Bookmark Updates

I accumulated a few links to add to the Windows Vista Bookmark collection. I am still tweaking the bookmark pages. Here are the highlights of the recent additions and changes.

Microsoft Blogs and Websites

The Microsoft Blogs and Microsoft Websites pages were combined to one page. Erika Ehrli's collection of Microsoft Office blogs was added. The biggie no one should miss is Todd Bishop's collection of Microsoft Blogs. Todd is a reporter for

Customizing Vista

A makeover for this group of bookmarks includes the addition of the Sidebar Category from "Inside Microsoft, part of the Blog News Channel." For the past couple months, Nathan Weinberg has been posting his comments and links to Sidebar gadgets -- not one or two, but twenty or so at a time. As of today's posting there are eight issues.

Via Windows Vista Magazine, I discovered Vista4Beginners and added the excellent tutorial, Windows Sidebar - the complete guide to the customizing bookmarks under Sidebar Gadgets. When I have more time, I'll add bookmarks to more of the Vista4Beginner tutorials. In the meantime, the site is also included in Blogs and Community Forums.

Blogs and Community Forums


Ciprian said...

Hello Corrine,

I am Ciprian Rusen, one of the owners and content editors of

Thank you very much for writing about our site. Even if things started to move in the right direction, we definitely need a bit of promotion.

I have one question for you: how can we get listed on the official Windows Vista community page?

We tried to submit our site but we received no reply so far.

Corrine said...

Hi, Ciprian. You're welcome. I'll be adding the listing to the mirror at "Windows Connected" either tonight or tomorrow.

I do not know the criteria for being listed on the Microsoft Windows Vista Community pages. I am guessing that it requires sustained contributions to the community, providing information and help. The "Featured Communities" and "Non-Microsoft Blogs" are all maintained by people who have been "recognized in the industry" for some time.

That isn't to say that the decision makers won't decide to add Vista4Beginners at this time, but would explain why the site may not be added at this time. There are many excellent help sites and blogs that are not listed.

Keep up the good work.

