The Microsoft August 2021 security updates have been released and consist of 44 CVEs. Of these CVEs, 7 are rated Critical and 37 are rated Important in severity.
According to Microsoft, two of these bugs are publicly known and one is under active attack at the time of release.
The updates apply to the following products: .NET
Core & Visual Studio, ASP .NET, Azure, Azure Sphere, Microsoft Azure Active
Directory Connect, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Graphics Component, Microsoft
Office, Microsoft Office SharePoint, Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Scripting
Engine, Microsoft Windows Codecs Library, Remote Desktop Client, Windows
Bluetooth Service, Windows Cryptographic Services, Windows Defender, Windows
Event Tracing, Windows Media, Windows MSHTML Platform, Windows NTLM, Windows
Print Spooler Components, Windows Services for NFS ONCRPC XDR Driver, Windows
Storage Spaces Controller, Windows TCP/IP, Windows Update, Windows Update
Assistant, and Windows User Profile Service.
See the KBs listed at August 2021 Security Updates - Release Notes - Security Update Guide - Microsoft for information regarding known issues with the security updates.
Recommended Reading: See Dustin Childs review and analysis in Zero Day Initiative -- The August 2021 Security Update Review.
Additional Update Notes:

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