Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tidy Start Menu

I don't know about you, but the "Start Menu" on my computer was in such a state that it was almost impossible to find something. I installed "Tidy Start Menu" and, as the instructions indicated, "got to work". In a matter of minutes, the Start Menu on my computer went from an uncontrolled mess to an organization that meant something to me.

A nice feature of the software is that you can categorize everything in the Start Menu or only selected items. The free version has a fixed list of options but there are more available in the Pro version. You can create a backup of your existing Start Menu before beginning categorizing. However, even if you forget or want to re-arrange any categories, it is easy to reopen Tidy Start Menu and uncheck the software from its current category, open the correct category and select it there.
  • Program description -

Are you tired of searching for programs in a long "Start Menu" list? If so, this program is for you. It allows you to arrange all the shortcuts in the Start Menu. Your Start Menu looks neat, and you can easily and quickly find any program you want. For example, you can create a special "Games" category, and when opening the Start Menu you will see a "Games" section (instead of a list of the games) in which you will find the game you need.

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