Firefox 13.0.1 was released to address problems encountered after the Adobe Flash Player update caused Firefox to freeze or crash (see Flash Player Update Causes Firefox Crashes).
The Flash Player update included Protected Mode for users of Firefox 4.0 and greater on Windows Vista and higher. The purpose of Protected Mode is to limit the impact of attacks launched from malicious Flash content (SWF files).
Edit Note: Also see Adobe Flash Player "Plug-in Version" Updated
What's New
The Release Notes include fixed features in version 13.0.1.
- FIXED -- Windows Messenger did not load in Hotmail, and the Hotmail inbox did not auto-update (764546, fixed in 13.0.1)
- FIXED -- Hebrew text sometimes rendered incorrectly (756850, fixed in 13.0.1)
- FIXED -- Flash 11.3 sometimes caused a crash on quit (747683, fixed in 13.0.1)
The update to Firefox 13.0.1 will be offered through the browser update mechanism after any impacts related to the Microsoft Security Updates are analyzed. To get the update now, select "Help" from the Firefox menu at the upper left of the browser window, then pick "About Firefox." Mac users need to select "About Firefox" from the Firefox menu.If you do not use the English language version, Fully Localized Versions are available for download.
Updated and it still crashes.
Firefox 13.0.1 crashes.
Too bad 13.01 does not fix the problem.
1) Flash Player plug-in version only (for browsers othan than IE) has been updated to 11.3.300.262
[Flash ActiveX for IE remains at 11.3.300.257 ]
2) Users of Sandboxie experiencing problems with Flash 11.3 should update Sandboxie to version 3.72
It's worse! Mine hardly froze at all until this last update.
FF 13.0.1 crashes more times than any previous release. If this continues I'm gonna have to move to Chrome as FF is becoming unusable
@Anonymous posters who are seeing more Firefox crashes since updating to 13.0.1, have you updated the Adobe Flash Player plug-in? See Adobe Flash Player "Plug-in Version" Updated
Adobe is acknowledging a conflict in FF between Flash 11.3 and RealPlayer (for those who have installed RealPlayer, AND have enabled its "Web Download and Recording" option). This RealPlayer option is suppressing Flash content from appearing. See workaround [video] at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQbu0k0rPwc&feature=youtu.be&hd=1&html5=1
Flash 11.2 r202 was consistently crashing Firefox 13 when the mouse cursor crossed into or out of Flash embedded objects. I use SUSE Linux 12.1.
There was a conflict with AdBlock 2.0.3, which is beloved by all who hate flashy obnoxious ads. I would sooner get rid of Flash or stop browsing the web than do without AdBlock.
To patch this conflict, go to Tools->Add-ons, select Extensions, see AdBlock and click its Preferences button, uncheck "Show tabs on Flash and Java".
I can't say it eliminates all Flash related crashes. Only getting rid of Flash on the web will do that. But it made crashes a lot less likely on my system.
Still crashing...
Doesn't anyone test software any more before release???
I know its flash's fault, not firefox... (Downgrading to earlier ver of flash seems to have stopped my crashing issues, though I'm tentatively awaiting the next crash).
Bottom line, end users don't give a flying f(*& who's fault it is. If firefox or one of it's components breaks, it's a "firefox" problem.
Call those dumba$$es over at Adobe, tell them to stop f(*&ing about with their macs and fix the firefox plugin for once and for all...
^ @Anonymous June 27, 2012 8:29 PM
^ nuff said!
i use an older ff (10.0.2). Although it eats a lot of ram, it had no problem w/ playing flash videos or games, UNTIL i updated that f*** Adobe Flash. Now youtube is slow, flash games resets or freezes (blue screen) the PC.
Firefox 13.0.1 seems not to be supported by my online bank and won't allow realplayer to record clips. How is this an improvement?
my mozilla also crashes on flash player
This is pretty sad they don't have this fixed yet.
Firefox 13.0.1 and Flash 11.3.300.265 are still crashing. It may be slightly better than 13, but is still a significant problem. Obviously never tested prior to release by anyone.
For crash problems here are some tips, 3 Tips for Firefox crash problems.
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