Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 2025 Windows 11 24H2 Non-Security Preview Update

  Microsoft released KB5052093 (OS Build 26100.3323) for Windows 11 24H2.

Gradual rollout

These might not be available to all users because they will roll out gradually. 

  • [Task Manager] Fixed: It might identify an HDD as an SSD.

  • [Taskbar] New! You can now share files directly from a jump list on the taskbar. Jump lists appear when you right-click an app that has a jump list

  • [Windows Spotlight]

    • New! There’s a quick and easy way to find out more information about a background image. Simply hover over the image or click the “Learn about this picture” icon.

    • New! This update makes Windows Spotlight easier to find. You’ll notice changes to the icon color and background. Also, the icon will show at the lower right area on your desktop.

  • [Lock screen] New! This update makes it easier to learn more about the image on your lock screen when you select the “Like” button.

  • [Narrator] New! There are new functions for Narrator scan mode. Skip past links (n) allows you to go to the text after a link. Use the comma (,) to jump to the start of an item (large table, long list, or another item.) Use the period (.) to jump to the end of an item. This is most helpful when you read long emails, news articles, and wiki pages. Jump to lists (l) allows you to quickly access a list on a web page or in a document. To use these new functions, turn on Narrator first (Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter). Then turn scan mode on by pressing Caps lock + Spacebar. Note that scan mode is on by default on most web pages (like news articles, wiki page, and so on).

  • [Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass subscribers] New! Some of you might see a new referral card for a PC Game Pass subscription on the Settings home page. With it, you can invite friends and family to try a PC Game Pass for free. If you qualify, the card only appears when you sign in to your PC using your Microsoft account.

  • [File Explorer]

See the KB article for improvements included.

Update:  To get the update, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. The link to download and install the update can be found in the Optional updates available area.  

ReferencesWindows 11 update history

Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

February 2025 Windows 11 23H3 and 22H2 Non-Security Preview Update

  Microsoft released KB5052094 (OS Builds 22621.4974 and 22631.4974) for Windows 11 23H3 and Windows 11 22H2. 


Gradual rollout

A gradual rollout releases updates over a period of time, so users receive them at different times. To see the status of this feature, go to Windows release health dashboard.​​​​​​​

  • [Taskbar] New! You can now share files directly from a jump list on the taskbar. Jump lists appear when you right-click an app that has a jump list.

  • [Windows Spotlight]

    • New! There’s a quick and easy way to find out more information about a background image. Simply hover over the image or click the “Learn about this picture” icon.

    • New! This update makes Windows Spotlight easier to find. You’ll notice changes to the icon color and background. Also, the icon will show at the lower right area on your desktop.

  • [Lock screen] New! This update makes it easier tolearn more about the image on your lock screen when you click the “Like” icon.

  • [Narrator] New! There are new functions for Narrator scan mode. Skip past links (n) allows you to go to the text after a link. Use the comma (,) to jump to the start of an item (large table, long list, or another item.) Use the period (.) to jump to the end of an item. This is most helpful when you read long emails, news articles, and wiki pages. Jump to lists (l) allows you to quickly access a list on a web page or in a document. To use these new functions, turn on Narrator first (Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter). Then turn scan mode on by pressing Caps lock + Spacebar. Note that scan mode is on by default on most web pages (like news articles, wiki page, and so on).

  • [Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass subscribers] New! Some of you might see a new referral card for a PC Game Pass subscription on the Settings home page. With it, you can invite friends and family to try a PC Game Pass for free. If you qualify, the card only appears when you sign in to your PC using your Microsoft account.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

  • [File Explorer]

    • New! You can now snooze or turn off the “Start backup” reminder in the File Explorer address bar. This only applies if you are not already backing up your files and folder. To view this new option, right-click Start backup.

    • Fixed: When you enter a URL in the address bar, it might not go to the location.

    • Fixed: The address bar overlaps files when you use the F11 full-screen mode.

    • Fixed: The context menu opens slowly when you right-click cloud files.

    • Thumbnails for cloud files display more consistently in search results.

  • [Start menu] Fixed: The colors are wrong when you open the account manager flyout menu. This occurs when you use a mixed dark and light custom mode in Settings > Personalization > Colors.​​​​​​​

  • [Mouse] Fixed: In Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer and touch, you can choose a color for the mouse that is not the default. When you chose a color, it reverts to white after the User Account Control (UAC) dialog appears.

    Update:  To get the update, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. The link to download and install the update can be found in the Optional updates available area.  


    Windows 11 update history

    Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
    May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

    February 2025 Windows 10 Non-Security Preview Update

     Microsoft released KB5052077 for Windows 10 version 22H2 optional non-security release preview (Windows monthly updates explained).

    • ​​​​​​​[Daylight saving time (DST)] This update supports DST changes in Paraguay.

    • [Narrator]

      • Fixed: It fails to say the Chinese IME candidate window quick action buttons right.

      • Fixed: It does not say the control type for the Chinese IME suggestion opt-in item.

      • Fixed: It does not say the heading of the Chinese IME suggestion opt-in panel.

    This update makes quality improvements to the servicing stack, which is the component that installs Windows updates. Servicing stack updates (SSU) ensure that you have a robust and reliable servicing stack so that your devices can receive and install Microsoft updates. For general information about SSUs, see Servicing stack updates and Servicing Stack Updates (SSU): Frequently Asked Questions.

    Update:  To get the update, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. The link to download and install the update can be found in the Optional updates available area.  

    Windows 10 update history

    Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
    May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

    Adobe Acrobat/Reader Optional Update


    Adobe is releasing an optional hotfix patch for Acrobat and Acrobat Reader that addresses some important bug fixes.

    Update or Complete Download

    Adobe Acrobat and Reader were updated to version 24.005.20421.  Updates should become available via the internal updater or checks can be manually activated by choosing Help/Check for Updates.  

    Reader DC and other versions are available here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/

    Note: UNcheck any pre-checked additional options presented with the update. They are not part of the software update and are completely optional.

    Release Notes

    Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
    May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

    Thursday, February 20, 2025

    Pale Moon Version Released

      Pale MoonPale Moon has been updated to version  This is an extra update to mitigate as much of the CloudFlare issues leading to browser hangs and memory issues as possible on the web browser side.


    • Disabled CSP reporting temporarily to work around memory issues caused by CloudFlare's scripting. While CSP reporting is important to inform webmasters of issues with their content security policies, not having the browser eat up all memory is more critical. We do intend to re-enable this when the issue is resolved on CloudFlare's side.
    • Improved CSS grid performance to avoid exponential calculations and reflows caused by CloudFlare's scripting. This wasn't a bug, per se, but could easily lock up with bad scripting if called recursively.
    • Added a few other small fixes that are tangentially related to the code changes made.

      Pale Moon includes both 32- and 64-bit versions for Windows: Pale Moon for Windows downloads.

      Update: To get the update now, select "Help" from the Pale Moon menu at the upper left of the browser window.  Select About Pale Moon > Check for Updates.

      Release Notes
      Release Cycle

      Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
      May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

      Tuesday, February 18, 2025

      Mozilla Firefox Version 135.0.1 Released with Security Update

       FirefoxMozilla sent Firefox Version 135.0.1 to the release channel.  No updates were released for Firefox ESR.

      The update includes one (1) security update rated high:  

      #CVE-2025-1414: Memory Safety Bugs Fixed in Firefox 135.0.1

      Update: To get the update now, select "Help" from the Firefox menu, then pick "About Firefox."  Mac users need to select "About Firefox" from the Firefox menu. If you do not use the English language version, Fully Localized Versions are available for download.


      Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
      May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

      Adobe Acrobat/Reader Update


      Adobe is releasing an update with new features and bug fixes for Acrobat and Reader. 

      Update or Complete Download

      Adobe Acrobat and Reader were updated to version 24.005.20414.  Updates should become available via the internal updater or checks can be manually activated by choosing Help/Check for Updates.  

      Reader DC and other versions are available here: https://get.adobe.com/reader/

      Note: UNcheck any pre-checked additional options presented with the update. They are not part of the software update and are completely optional.

      Release Notes

      Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
      May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

      Tuesday, February 11, 2025

      Microsoft February 2025 Security Updates


      The Microsoft February 2025 security updates have been released and consist of 57 new CVEs to Microsoft products plus third-party CVE's making the total 67.

      Of the Microsoft CVEs released, 3 are rated critical, 53 important, and 1 rated moderate in security. At the time of release, two are listed as being publicly known and two under active attack.

      The security updates apply to the following products, features and roles: Windows and Windows Components, Office and Office Components, Azure, Visual Studio, and Remote Desktop Services.

      See the list of KBs at the bottom of the page at February 2025 Security Updates - Release Notes - Security Update Guide - Microsoft for information regarding known issues with the security updates as well as the CVEs with FAQs, Mitigations and/or Workarounds.

      Recommended Reading:   See Dustin Childs review and analysis in Zero Day Initiative -- The February 2025 Security Update Review.

      Additional Update Notes:



      Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
      May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

      Friday, February 07, 2025

      Pale Moon Version 33.6.0 Released with Security Updates

       Pale MoonPale Moon has been updated to version 33.6.0.  This is a development, bugfix and security update.

      From the Release Notes:

      "Due to the fact that CloudFlare has been causing application crashes that impacts many users, this release has been pulled forward a few days to address these crashes with priority (should be fixed in this release).

      Please note that at the time of publication of this browser version and release notes, even though crashes have been fixed, CloudFlare is denying UXP-based browsers as well as several other independent/smaller browsers access to many websites by way of their malfunctioning "security check" or captcha, with no priority given to actually fix it despite it being denial of service for users of affected browsers. Please consider reporting any and all occurrences of a failing or looping CloudFlare checks on websites to CloudFlare as well as the owners of affected websites (you may have to temporarily use a Chromium-based browser to do this)."


      • Implemented a content sniffer for ADTS and raw AAC audio.
      • Implemented AbortSignal.abort() and stub AbortSignal.timeout().
      • Unprefixed the :modal CSS pseudo-class and exposed it to content.
      • Improved efficiency and performance of the Cycle Collector.
      • Added a check for explicit expectance of a percentage value in CSS HSL for the S and L components.
      • Updated the cookie storage database to no longer use BaseDomain. See implementation notes.
      • Updated CSS grid handling to no longer apply auto min-sizing when flex max-sizing (browser parity).
      • Updated the root certificates in the internal trust store.
      • Updated the Public Suffix List (eTLD) in the browser.
      • Removed no longer specced URL Constructor(DOMString url, URL base).
      • Restored unofficial branding to what it was before ("New Moon" instead of "Browser").
      • Changed the default Firefox Compatibility user-agent version to 115.0.
      • Fixed an issue where cloned <audio> or <video> elements would not respect the original element's muted state.
      • Fixed a number of bugs and spec compliance issues in WebCrypto.
      • Fixed installer application naming issue causing failure to detect running application.
      • Fixed a crash when Interval handlers are present in scripts that are automatically terminated due to excessive runtime.
      • Fixed a crash in JS Structured Cloning when the input would be bogus (CloudFlare-triggered crash).
      • Fixed a crash in the XSLT stylesheet importing code.
      • Updated NSS to 3.90.6 (custom) to pick up several security fixes.
      • Security issues addressed: CVE-2025-1009.

        Implementation notes:

        • When updating the browser to this version, a one-way upgrade of the cookie database in your browser profile is performed on first start. The new cookie database is not backwards compatible, meaning you cannot use the browser profiles that have been upgraded by this version or later with any prior versions of the browser without data loss.

          This is generally the case as most upgrades of user data storage are one-way, but having all your cookies cleared unintentionally is something most people prefer to avoid, hence this warning and a general reminder of profile migrations to newer versions that may happen with any (non-minor) browser upgrade.

        Notes:  *DiD This means that a fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code, e.g. when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem, or when new attack vectors are discovered.

        Pale Moon includes both 32- and 64-bit versions for Windows: Pale Moon for Windows downloads.

        Update: To get the update now, select "Help" from the Pale Moon menu at the upper left of the browser window.  Select About Pale Moon > Check for Updates.

        Release Notes
        Release Cycle

        Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
        May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...

        Tuesday, February 04, 2025

        Mozilla Firefox Version 135.0 Released with Security Updates

          FirefoxMozilla sent Firefox Version 135.0 to the release channel.  Firefox ESR was updated to Version 128.7.0.  

        The update includes eleven security updates of which four (4) are rated high, five (5) are rated moderate and two (2) are rated low. The security updates can be reviewed here.

        New features include additional languages supported as well as a number of features that are being progressively rolled out.  Changes include a refreshed New Tab layout, the removal of the "Do Not Track" box from preferences and more.  To review the new features, changes and fixes, see the Release Notes.

        Update:  To get the update now, select "Help" from the Firefox menu and pick "About Firefox".  Mac users need to select "About Firefox" from the Firefox menu.  If you do not use the English language version, Fully Localized Versions are available for download.

        Rapid Release Calendar

        Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
        May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...