Adobe Flash Player was updated again to address critical security vulnerabilities. (The last update was just over three weeks ago.) According to Adobe, the vulnerabilities are "priority 2"; critical but not yet exploited.
Flash Player Updater Change
Adobe recognizes the critical nature of updating third-party software. As a result, this release of Flash Player contains a new background updater. As explained by Peleus Uhley in An Update for the Flash Player Updater,"If you read this September 2011 CSIS report, then you saw that 99.8 percent of malware installs through exploit kits are targeting out-of-date software installations. This point was reiterated recently in volume 11 of the Microsoft Security Intelligent Report. Also, attackers have been taking advantage of users trying to manually search for Flash Player updates by buying ads on search engines pretending to be legitimate Flash Player download sites. Improving the update process is probably the single most important challenge we can tackle for our customers at this time."
After updating to Adobe Flash Player 11.2, the following update options will be available:
- Install updates automatically when available (recommended)
- Notify me when updates are available
- Never check for updates (not recommended)
Update Information
The newest version for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris is Android 4.x devices using version are not affected. The update for Android 3.x and earlier versions is is also recommended that Adobe AIR be updated to Adobe AIR
Release date: March 28, 2012
Vulnerability identifier: APSB12-07
Priority: 2
CVE numbers: CVE-2012-0772, CVE-2012-0773
Platform: All Platforms
Flash Player Update Instructions
Adobe Flash Player for AndroidThe latest version for Adobe Flash Player for Android is available by downloading it from the Android Marketplace by browsing to it on a mobile phone.
Flash Player for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris
Although Adobe suggests downloading the update from the Adobe Flash Player Download Center or by using the auto-update mechanism within the product when prompted, if you prefer, direct download links are available.
- If you use the Adobe Flash Player Download Center, be careful to uncheck the optional McAfee Security Plus box. It is not needed for the Flash Player update.
- Uncheck any toolbar offered with Adobe products if not wanted.
- If you use alternate browsers, it is necessary to install the update for both Internet Explorer as well as the update for alternate browsers.
Flash Player 11 (32-Bit)
- IE 32-Bit: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
- Non-IE 32-Bit (Opera, Firefox etc): http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
- IE 64-Bit: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
- Non-IE 64-Bit (Opera Firefox etc): http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/pdc/
32-Bit Uninstaller: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/current/uninstall_flash_player_32bit.exe
64-Bit Unisntaller: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/current/uninstall_flash_player_64bit.exe
*HatTip: ky331 for FTP download links.
Verify Installation
To verify the Adobe Flash Player version number installed on your computer, go to the About Flash Player page, or right-click on content running in Flash Player and select "About Adobe Flash Player" from the menu.Do this for each browser installed on your computer.
To verify the version of Adobe Flash Player for Android, go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Adobe Flash Player x.x.
When Adobe Flash Player is updated, it is recommended that Adobe AIR version be checked as well. Go to Adobe AIR Help to determine the version of Adobe AIR runtime installed.
- Adobe Priority Ratings
- Adobe Security Advisory: Security update available for Adobe Flash Player
- Adobe PSIRT Blog: Security Update for Adobe Flash Player (APSB12-07)