Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thank you, Mentors!

Thursday, 24 January 2008, was "Thank Your Mentor Day". Although I missed the actual date, since I have a number of mentors to thank, I'll do it in alphabetical order and hope they forgive my tardiness.

The special rose!Aaron
For always being willing to explain the "techie" details in easy-to-comprehend non-techie terms.
The special rose!Canuk
Although not with us any longer, Canuk was always available to answer my questions and review my responses.
The special rose!IAMSKINZ
Taught me so much on the "behind the scenes" operations and handling "difficult" or "controversial" situations.
The special rose!Mitch
Mitch was responsible for "pushing me out the door" so to speak, providing encouragement and help when I started.
The special rose!SpyDie
The "Jedi Master" is the go-to person for registry questions. His help and advice has been invaluable.
The special rose!Winchester73
Win73 reviewed my very first "official" log analysis/instructions and helped me as I broadened my sphere of help.

To each of you, my personal thank you for all the help you have provided and continue to provide; for having faith in me when I found it lacking and for your never-ending encouragement.

Remember - "A day without laughter is a day wasted."
May the wind sing to you and the sun rise in your heart...


  1. You're always welcome Corrine. :)

  2. Corrine,

    allow me to thank you for what you are doing for sake of the community.
    Always busy, always taking care for all kind of issues, nasty and pleasant ones, you are there if needed and care.

    Be proud on who you are and what you reached, my high regards for it.

    Site Owner Smokey's Security Forums

  3. The FORCE was strong with you ... you have done well, young Jedi.

  4. And the voice from behind the curtain says "You listened to these guys and now look where you are - a much respected Mentor of others" :)


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