The results of an upload of WinPatrol to VirusTotal currently yield the following results:
Kaspersky 2008.01.31 not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.DealHelper.akThis isn't the first time this has happened. It seems to accompany a WinPatrol update. See
Prevx1 V2 2008.01.31 Heuristic: Suspicious Hijacker
Kaspersky removed the Patrol Setup.exe from their definitions but Prevx1 is still showing it as "Prevx1 V2 2008.01.26 Heuristic: Suspicious Hijacker". At least I an understand this since "WinPatrol uses a heuristic behavioral approach to detecting attacks and violations of your computing environment." However, it would be better if Prevx whitelisted it.
Update 01Feb08:
Prevx responded and has added WinPatrol to their white listed.
Many thanks to both Kaspersky and Prevx for responding so quickly.
And thanks to Corrine and others who followed up with the companies. At the time I was attending an AntiSpyware conference in D.C with limited wireless acceess in the bowls of the Capital Hyatt.